A Plea To My Cousins – COVID-19

A Plea To My Cousins – COVID-19

A Plea To My Cousins! The world is facing its first global pandemic in over a century.  Very few people today were alive during the last pandemic, the Influenza pandemic of 1918.  It took over 50 million lives, worldwide (for context, approximately 500 million people,...
Live or Perish, The Choice Is Ours

Live or Perish, The Choice Is Ours

A few months ago, Editor Rick Hutzell asked me if I would consider writing a piece related to guns and the domestic terror attack that took the lives of five Capital Gazette employees. At the time, I wasn’t sure what my “hook” would be to discuss that tragedy in any...
No Matter What?

No Matter What?

No Matter What? I am compelled to express my disgust at the determination of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the White House to ramrod through a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) nomination no matter what.  While Brett Kavanaugh might meet some of the standards for a Justice,...